• It’s a breadtastrophe!

    I have heard that while cooking is an art, baking is a science. If that is so I have failed science miserably. That lump of […]

  • Saturday wrap up.

    Above is picture from our highly discounted seats at the Georgia tech game, well actually from right behind our highly discounted seats. We arrived late […]

  • Saturday plans

    Every now and then when we are running  a short errand, we decide to take Scooter for a ride. Most of those times the errand […]

  • My quote of the day.

    “The problem with a lot of people is they tell you what they heard without ever attempting to listen.” -Me Original, googled it and did […]

  • He was a young troubadour!

    I am assuming this is from about 1988, but I know it was at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo.

  • Super Bowl XLVI

    So it is time to make my annual Super Bowl pick. My advice to you though is to take the opposite of what I pick […]

  • The hills are alive!

    I was driving home from work today listening to a local radio station when they had one of those contests where you call in and […]

  • We are back!

    I am going to start posting pictures shortly and will have commentary on pics located here (many more to come).

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