• Heading Home!

    Hey we got a new (used) seat for our lot sweeper. The name on back is a brand I am told and not indicative of […]

  • Back In Texas

    Spent a few days at folks and now hanging with my bro outside of Austin.

  • Change of plans

    So I just got to spend 4 days at home after working 12 straight days. To say it was nice would be an understatement. While […]

  • Pretty much the story of my day, every day

    And I am still enjoying the heck out of it

  • You say its your birthday

    So after an almost 12 hour drive home from Miami yesterday, I finally got to sleep in my own bed for the first time in […]

  • We are back!

    We made some new friends! And we bought some fish. More pictures to follow after I get back to Dallas tomorrow

  • Waiting at DFW

    Sitting at DFW airport waiting for flight to Atlanta. A few things I learned in my 2 weeks in Texas. Cowboy boots are always appropriate, […]

  • Hurricane season

    Normal people prepare for hurricane season by stocking up on supplies and thinking of evacuation. I am not normal, no evacuation here, vacation! I have […]

  • Time for me to fly

    Time for a new chapter in our lives. I was unsure what musical reference to use as a title. It could have been Seger’s “Turn […]

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