A few nice changes have occurred ever since the power company put a gate at the bottom of the hill. First and what i thought was the most enjoyable part is that I no longer have four wheelers going up and down the easement kicking up dust and dirt. But now that the brush has grown it has begun to attract different creatures than prior. In the last few weeks, I have seen possumand rabbits. The bushes are also full of a wide variety of birds. There have been a few times when I have been out on the deck at night where I have heard rustling in the bushes. This can be a little unnerving because you never know exactly what it is.
Today was a first though. I took Scooter outside to do his dogly duties and I saw something move. When I looked up I saw the hindquarters of a deer disappear in to the brush.
So I am now obsessed with looking out the back windows to catch a glimpse. I am sure that somehow we will be feeding them in the near future. We have always sort of been a food bank for creatures and once the missus figures out what to feed them, I am sure it will be on our grocery list.
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