Its a cat’s world, I just live in it

So today was the day to finally put up our tree. If you think that’s procastinating, you should see all the outdoor lights in my garage that have never been out of the box.

As usual, it is impossible to do anything in the house without the cats checking it out, approving of it and generally making a nuisance of themselves.

They had a great time checking out their new toys, smelling them and fighting over who gets to play in which box.

Our newest feline family member, LeLe, was a stray that I picked up outside one of my stores. At the time in February it was very cold and she was living in a bush next to a trailer park. We started out calling her bush kitty and has she has grown bush cat. We often have wondered if she would still prefer to be living in the bush instead of what we like to call cat heaven.

It seems like we may have our answer.

It seems you can take the bush out of the cat but you can’t take the cat out of the tree.




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