As part of the lazy gardener experiment 2010 we planted some herbs. One of the herbs we were growing was some catnip seed we picked up from the local Home Depot. You really never know what you are going to get when you grow from seed and not being an expert herbsman, I would not be able to tell good catnip from any other herb out there.
With the weather starting to turn cool we decided to bring the catnip in last night. Any doubts as to the veracity of the catnip was quickly erased as evidenced in above picture.
Unfortunately we couldn’t get Cassius to quit wallering in the pot so we had to put it back on the porch. I think I’ll just grind it up later today so as to not waste it.
So for those keeping count we have now harvested and used about 3 bell peppers, a dozen jalapeno peppers and a handful of cherry tomatoes.
We are a long way from self sufficient but only a short drive to the grocery store.
Farming is tough!
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