An update on recent events

Its been a while since I have posted, I would like to say it has been for a lack of anything to write. It has more been a combination of writer's block and so much going on. Since my last post, my divorce went final, my employer has been acquired by a larger company and I got married to the woman of my dreams. All good things.

It seems like everyone is going to have a year in their life that will test them emotionally, spiritually, financially and in ways that you never knew you could be tested. I have been amazed at the support I have received from expected and unexpected sources and people. I could not imagine anyone surviving their test without the help of family and friends. I don't know how they grade it, is it pass or fail, survive or not survive? I would think if you come out of it healthy and happy then it was a resounding success. So in spite of the many difficulties of the past year, I can only say I passed, and who cares how anyone else grades it anyway?

There are pictures up in the gallery of my wedding ceremony. I wish everyone that wanted to be there could have been. The last year has not only been a test but a celebration of new lives and I hope everyone will continue to help us celebrate in the years to come.

Now some people would say it is a new chapter in my life, it seems much more like a new book. I look forward to filling the pages.

Now I'll get back to posting my usual silliness.








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